Tell us a little about yourself.

Eric: "My name is Eric Randall and I serve as the communications pastor at Woodland Heights Baptist Church. I’m from Oklahoma City and graduated from Oklahoma Christian University (yes I played basketball). I’ve been a RMC customer since we visited Conway for Micaela’s OT school interview. I came by to get her a bag of coffee to celebrate and we were hooked even from OKC."

Micaela: "My name is Micaela Randall and I’m currently getting my doctorate in occupational therapy at UCA. I went to undergrad at the University of Oklahoma where I played volleyball also. Because Eric and I were athletes and loved Jesus we had both volunteered for the same high school Fellowship of Christian Athletes summer camp in 2014, which is where we first met. We got married in 2017 then moved to Conway from Oklahoma in 2018 for me to start grad school, which is when we first discovered RMC."

Why did you first choose to purchase the PATH Blend?

M: "Between seeing something we had yet to taste at our regular spot and really already having a passion for the mission the PATH pursues, it was kind of a given to purchase the new blend. We are always excited to try anything coffee so the cause just made it an added bonus."

E: "I'm always excited to see what you all come up with as far as coffee blends, but when I saw part of the proceeds go to the PATH, it was a no brainer to purchase it."

Why are you so passionate about this 'coffee with a cause' blend? What is it about P.A.T.H. that makes you so excited to support?

M: "Everything about the mission of the PATH is something I support. My heart breaks for anyone who has experienced anything from one time of sexual abuse to a period of sex trafficking. The way abuse can affect the psychology of a person and his or her ability to feel safe and loved in relationships, or life as a whole, is destructive. The PATH comes alongside individuals, exactly where they are at, to intentionally pursue rehabilitation and equip them with functional skills in a safe and supportive way. This support provides equity to individuals of abuse so they can return to activities of daily living with a healthy independence. It takes a special heart to support those who have been broken by abuse but an even stronger soul to spend the time building an individual up every step of the way. That’s the PATH, and that is why I have loved being able to support them. Even if it is through a bag of coffee."

E: "One of the things I love about RMC is the community, and something that is important in community is caring for others, so I am thankful we have the opportunity to do that through coffee with a cause. It is nice to be able to help make change through everyday purchases, and I’m grateful for everyone at RMC who chose people over profit with their coffee with a cause."

How about the taste? What do you think of our PATH blend?

E: "I am usually a fan of single origins, especially Central American coffees, but I really enjoyed the PATH blend. It paired the right amount of sweet with the peach & hard candy, with some down to earth flavor as well."

M: "I pretty much always go for the “fruit bomb” coffee roasts. Zambia and Ethiopia are typically my go-to’s, any of the baristas at Round Mountain can probably tell you that. However, it is fun mixing the PATH blend into my normal buys. With the peach notes I still get my fruity taste but a different overall flavor."

Any closing remarks?

M: "For one, who doesn’t love to try a new cup of coffee? But on the other side, I think it is really difficult for people to change their normal routine and make extra time to benefit others. We are not all equipped or gifted to play a role in every individual's life, but there are simple ways to help make a difference. By buying a bag of the PATH blend you can help someone who has survived great trials just by switching your normal purchase or sharing the word. It is a great coffee with an even better cause and all you have to do is switch your order one time. Who wouldn’t want to make such a small decision to make such a big impact?"

E: "The path is a great organization doing difficult but needed work. Invest in what they are doing and get a great cup of coffee at the same time, do you need any other reason?!?"